

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


My experiment has now started.  I am anxious to see how much online traffic this title will attract.  So all the people who have just used their "free" hand to come (no, too easy) to this site, better leave now before your Viagra wears off or your significant other or roommate returns.   And to anyone I know, sorry but I hope you see the intended humor.  I'm sure the comments section will be entertaining -- we can all easily guess the type of insults I will receive (especially from my so-called friends.)  

What else can "adult content" mean?   That is my real question for all of you who are still reading this blog.    Does it always refer to pornography?   Can it be an article about remedies for lower back pain?  About how to plan for your retirement?  How to change your basketball game when you no longer can touch the rim, but only jump 3 inches off the ground?

I look forward to all your comments, the hate-spewing ones as well as the serious ones.    However, I will not be responding to any of the comments. 

"This is a test...just a test.   Your regular programming will continue in a moment."    I know this shows my age but the blog is called baffledbabyboomer.